Utility Regulator welcomes the start of competition in the domestic gas market

The Utility Regulator has welcomed the start of competition in the domestic gas market as firmus energy announces it will begin supplying gas to households in the Greater Belfast area from November 2010. 

Brian McHugh, the Utility Regulator’s Gas Director said:

“We welcome firmus energy’s entry into the domestic gas market in the Greater Belfast area. One of our main priorities is to promote competition in the energy market and we have worked hard with firmus energy to make choice a reality for customers. This announcement is good news for domestic gas customers, especially as we enter the winter months.

“Today’s announcement is the first stage in a process to open up the domestic gas market in the Greater Belfast area to competition. During the initial testing period, the number of customers able to switch will be limited, however this will increase as the systems are tested.

“As part of the ‘phased entry’, we have allowed firmus energy to begin by supplying to credit customers only. We will continue to work with the energy industry to ensure that systems are in place to allow pay-as-you-go customers to start to switch in early 2011, ensuring that all customers can benefit from competition by September 2011. We will also be working with suppliers to ensure there is clear information provided to customers on how this will affect when they can switch.

“Throughout this process we have worked closely with the Consumer Council, firmus energy and the industry to ensure that the interests of customers are protected as the domestic gas market opens to competition. 

“We will continue to monitor the domestic gas market to ensure customer interests are protected. We will do this through our regulatory scrutiny over Phoenix Supply’s prices and by setting mandatory standards of customer service that all suppliers must provide.”

The domestic gas market in the Greater Belfast area was open to competition in 1 January 2007. Since then, the Utility Regulator has worked with the energy industry to encourage competition and remove barriers to entry.

For further information, contact Adele Boyle on 028 9031 6343 or 07794 965922.

Notes to Editors
- The Utility Regulator (Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation) is the independent non-Ministerial Government Department responsible for regulating the electricity and gas industries and water and sewerage services in Northern Ireland.