Regulator publishes regulated network and market charges

The Utility Regulator has published a regulated tariff information note about the changes to the regulated tariffs charged to electricity suppliers in Northern Ireland.  These changes will apply from 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2013. The regulated tariffs are included within the prices paid by all electricity customers in Northern Ireland.

The tariffs included in this note are:

Distribution Use of System Charges (DUoS)
- Transmission Use of System charges (TUoS)
- System Support Services (SSS)
- Collection Agency Income Requirement (CAIRt)

The Public Service Obligation Levy (PSO)

Single Electricity Market charges
- Capacity charges
- Imperfections tariff
- Market Operator charges

For each tariff, the change from last year and the reasons for the change are provided.

These tariffs apply to all supplies of electricity in Northern Ireland; however the impact on individual customers will depend on:
- the customer’s consumption profile;
- the connection voltage; and
- the terms of the contract between the supplier and customer.