The Utility Regulator is today publishing a call for evidence for the Consumer Protection Programme's (CPP) best practice frameworks (1 and 2) project.
This marks the commencement of our CPP priority projects of best practice frameworks (1 and 2). The responses to this call for evidence will assist us in forming an understanding of the current domestic interventions for vulnerable consumers in Northern Ireland. We will also identify any potential gaps in the protection of domestic vulnerable consumers and/or consumers in vulnerable circumstances.
The best practice frameworks (1 and 2) projects will be delivered together over two years; progressing as one joint project. Through the delivery of this project we will establish what best practice should be in Northern Ireland, based on consultation with both industry and consumer representatives. Consequently, we will then put in place the appropriate regulatory framework(s) that is necessary to ensure best practice is achieved and delivered in Northern Ireland.
To help inform responses to this call for evidence we have developed a GB grid (at Annex 1) of current domestic vulnerable consumer interventions that are being used by both regulators and industry (network companies and suppliers).
Through this call for evidence we invite companies to demonstrate the effective steps that they have taken to better understand vulnerable consumers’ needs and how they have translated these into positive outcomes for those at risk. A grid (Annex 2) has been developed and we invite NI energy and water companies to populate this grid.
This call for evidence invites submissions for both industry and consumer representatives and we ask all consultees to respond to the questions at Annex 3.
Both the responses to the questions and the completion of Annex 2 will inform the development of appropriate and proportinate practical interventions in Northern Ireland.
Further details on responding are available in our consultation section.
Copies of these papers can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of minority languages if required.