Utility Regulator’s annual Energy Retail Reports

This series of annual reports provide a range of information about the retail energy market in Northern Ireland.

The objective of this publications is to increase transparency for energy consumers on matters such as the active suppliers in each energy market sector, market shares and activity, make-up of electricity and gas bills, NI prices compared against other jurisdictions, etc. A quarterly update of this information can be found on our QUARTERLY TRANSPARENCY REPORTS.

The information contained in these reports also helps us to monitor the retail market, flagging any potential concerns, and helps to inform regulatory decisions.

The information shown in these report comes from network companies, suppliers, DECC and Eurostat, and some figures have been calculated internally.  We are very grateful to stakeholders, particularly in the regulated companies, who regularly provide information for these publications.

The most recent editions can be found below, while previous editions are at the bottom of the page:



We aim to gradually improve and extend of the information published in these reports. Therefore, we would welcome comments on the contents/structure of them. Please send comments or suggestions to:

Elena Ardines
Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queen Street

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