Consumer Protection Strategy decision paper launched

The Utility Regulator today launched its five-year Consumer Protection Strategy – a longer term commitment to protect domestic energy and water consumers in Northern Ireland.

This decision paper follows a consultation launched in in March 2015. Responses to the consultation are available here.

Speaking at the launch, Jenny Pyper, Utility Regulator Chief Executive said:

“Protecting the short and long-term interests of consumers is at the heart of what we do and so a high level of consumer protection must be achieved in all areas of our work.  All consumers – business and domestic – benefit from our work on price controls and our monitoring of the wholesale and retail markets. Today marks the start of a five-year plan that will deliver real and positive change for energy and water consumers. 

“The electricity market in Northern Ireland is developing quickly, especially when we consider that only a few years ago there was only one supplier in the domestic market. Now there are six. In terms of consumer protection, we have built a strong foundation both through our regulation and through work by the suppliers. Our Consumer Protection Strategy will build on that good work to achieve a more consumer friendly energy market.

“Some of the initiatives are aimed at reviewing existing protection, for example the critical and special care registers that protect vulnerable customers when their energy or water supply fails. There are also a number of new proposals that will lead to:

• Easier to understand energy bills
• Reduced costs associated with theft
• Improved support for customers in debt and experiencing other crisis situations
• Empowered customers who are more aware of their rights and responsibilities and have greater confidence in switching supplier therefore saving money

“The success of our strategy however, relies on collaboration.  We could not have developed the strategy without input from the many organisations who played their part in its development. In addition, we cannot deliver protection for vulnerable consumers without the help of these organisations.  We are committed to continuing our engagement and collaboration with others to provide assistance to those consumers who need it most.”

A summary document of the Consumer Protection Strategy is also available here.

For further information, please contact Adele Boyle on 028 9031 6664 or 07787 279584.