The Utility Regulator today publishes a decision paper on transactional charges associated with electricity metering activities. The paper looks at what actions NIE Networks Limited (NIE) and suppliers must undertake on issues relating to transactional charges for metering activities. The paper also considers views on other important issues that respondents considered relevant and which were not discussed within the Consultation.
The paper is aimed at electricity consumers, consumer groups, electricity industry participants, statutory bodies and the wider stakeholder body.
This decision paper follows a consultation paper that was issued on 5 June 2015. This consultation closed on 3 July 2015 and the responses below were received:
- SSE Airtricity
- Budget Energy Ltd
- Consumer Council
- Chase Solutions (UK) Ltd
- Electric Ireland
- Northern Ireland Electricity
- Power NI (marked private and confidential)
Copies of all documents can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.