List of schemes published for the 2023/2024 Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme
PublishedDetails published on the range of energy efficiency schemes, funded through NISEP, that are available for domestic and business customers.
Details published on the range of energy efficiency schemes, funded through NISEP, that are available for domestic and business customers.
SONI is inviting stakeholders to a workshop to discuss the publication of their mid-year review report.
A short update on our work and latest news.
The Domestic Consumer Insight Tracker survey provides insight into consumer experiences of the energy market.
Join us to help protect energy and water consumers and support the delivery of a low carbon future.
The consultation will now close on 21 April 2023.
Proposed amendment to the financial year-end within the electricity and gas supply licences.
Outcome from the meeting with all domestic energy suppliers and key consumer representative bodies.
The Utility Regulator is seeking views on the subject of short-term capacity products at exit points in the gas transmission regime.
Today we publish our Forward Work Programme 2023/2024
Following our previous consultation, we have made a number of licence modifications, including extending RP6 by one year.
PC21 is the current price control for NI Water. A mid-term review is now underway and we are consulting on our approach.
A short update on our work and latest news.
This tariff review forms part of our regular scrutiny to make sure that bills reflect the actual cost of providing electricity to homes.
From 1 April 2023, further changes are being made to the discount provided, which will impact all electricity and gas tariffs.
Letter published today to all NI domestic energy suppliers further highlighting our concerns and need for immediate remedy.
The consultation will close on 14 April 2023.
The tariff review is part of our regular scrutiny to ensure consumer bills reflect the actual cost of providing gas to homes and businesses.
The review commenced in January 2023 of their regulated tariff in the Greater Belfast and Western gas distribution areas.
The report includes a breakdown of switching figures, market share of all energy suppliers and energy usage figures.