SONI Evaluative Performance Framework stakeholder responses to SONI FWP and invitation to stakeholder meeting
PublishedWe are publishing feedback to the EPF Panel on SONI’s 2021/2022 Forward Work Plan.
We are publishing feedback to the EPF Panel on SONI’s 2021/2022 Forward Work Plan.
The deadline for consultation responses has been extended to 18 May 2022.
Today we are publishing a consultation, which proposes to amend the 2016 licence fee methodologies document to include gas storage
We are providing an update on the GD23 price control in relation to the calculation of interest cover.
An update on our work and key developments in the energy and water industries
Five members appointed to Independent Expert Panel
Today we are announcing a formal review of regulated gas tariffs in the Greater Belfast area.
The Utility Regulator today publishes notice of its intention under Article 10(4) of the Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 (the Orde
Help and support is available to consumers
A 16.31% increase has been announced for domestic and small business customers
Proposed amendment to the financial year-end within the electricity and gas supply licence.
Today we are published our Forward Work Programme for 2022-23.
We are proposing to maintain the seasonal multiplier factors which are applied to gas transmission charges for the gas year 2022/2023
Following a consultation, an electricity generation licence has been granted to Gronan Wind Farm Limited
Today we are requesting feedback on SONI’s 2021/2022 Forward plan as part of our evaluation of SONI's performance.
We have published the presentation given at the event and a list of questions and answers.
The GD23 draft determination sets out our proposals for tariffs, revenues and outputs for gas distribution over the six year period.
Today we publish the results of our second Domestic Consumer Insight Tracker survey.
SSE Airtricity Gas Supply has announced a 39% increase to its tariff for domestic and small business customers
Today we are further extending the deadline for the SONI governance licence modifications consultation.