Information note published on the regulated electricity entitlement values for 2017/2018
PublishedRegulated entitlement values for the 2017/2018 tariff year
Regulated entitlement values for the 2017/2018 tariff year
The UR has today given notice of its intention to grant a new gas supply licence to Shell Energy Europe Limited
The bidding round for funds from NISEP has now commenced for the programme year 2018/2019
The UR is modifying existing electricity supply and generation licences in NI to necessitate implementation of the ISEM
Today the UR publishes an information paper on energy supplier marketing code of practice
The Utility Regulator today publishes its latest Quarterly Transparency Report (QTR) for Quarter 2 (April to June) 2017.
New guide launched as the number of domestic electricity supplier switches reaches over half a million
Decision paper published
First electricity price increase in four years due to rise in wholesale energy costs, says Regulator
Changes to certain matters relating to the 2015-2020 price control for SONI published
This single network code will replace the four separate codes which currently exist
Utility Regulator grants gas supply licence to Equo Energy Company Limited
Utility Regulator grants electricity supply licence to 3T Power Limited
The Utility Regulator publishes its decision paper on licence modifications to the NIE Networks licences.
Utility Regulator grants licence to Lightsource SPV 94 Ltd
The Utility Regulator today publishes its final determination for the next price control for the four high pressure gas
Information note published
The Utility Regulator today is publishing a consultation on our review of the care registers of network companies
Today the Utility Regulator is providing an update on NISEP.
Consultation on SONI licence modifications