Latest quarterly transparency report on NI’s retail energy market published
PublishedThe UR today publishes its latest Quarterly Transparency Report (QTR) for Quarter 4 (October to December) 2017.
The UR today publishes its latest Quarterly Transparency Report (QTR) for Quarter 4 (October to December) 2017.
The UR is publishing a consultation on revisions to our Enforcement Procedure and Financial Penalties Policy
Utility Regulator grants licence to Antrim Wind Energy Ltd
Decision on Assignment of TSO Obligations under Article 1(3) of Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA) Regulation
Mid-term review of NI Water's PC15 price control published
Our decision paper is published on the review of DUoS (Distribution Use of System) domestic tariff charging methodology
Consultation now open
UR statement published
Decision published on the generation and load data methodology
Utility Regulator welcomes certainty for energy consumers from interconnector planning decision
Quick Check 101 scheme re-launched in a bid to help stop bogus callers
We are today notifying stakeholders of a change in time for our FWP stakeholder workshop.
Decision letter on multi NEMO arrangements
Consultation on Cost Recovery Process for SONI’s Uncertain Revenues published
Consultation on the proposed modifications to SONI's licence
Proposed gas licence modifications for firmus energy published
The Utility Regulator today sets out its planned FWP projects for consultation
Consultation open for responses
Today the UR publishes its decision paper electricity customer credit balances in the event of a supplier failure.
Licence to Generate Electricity - Belfast Power Ltd