NIAER moves to new premises
PublishedNIAER moves to new premises
NIAER moves to new premises
NIAER publishes replies to its consultation on the South North pipeline
NIAER publishes replies to its consultation on the structure of Northern Ireland Energy Holdings.
Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation announces new housekeeping arrangements
Energy Regulator responds to Phoenix price increase
The Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation (NIAER) outlines its responsibilities in relation to gas
The Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation (NIAER) restates position on Phoenix
NIAER Issues Information Paper RE Security of Supply
The Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation (the Authority) today launches a consultation paper
NIAER publishes summary of carbon reduction consultation paper responses
NIAER issues statement re proposed Phoenix takeover
The Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation today published a paper
NIAER publishes seminar information on the Measuring Instruments Directive
NIAER and Phoenix reach licence deal
NIAER and CER Publish Single Electricity Market Proposals for the Island of Ireland
NIAER announces granting of 2 new licences to BGE to extend gas industry across N.I.
NIAER welcomes re-financing of Scotland to Northern Ireland gas pipeline
NIAER Comments on NIE Tariff Increases
NIAER publishes details of full opening of the non-domestic electricity market
Licence Issued in Respect of Proposed New Wind farm